Cardiovascular Health

Natural Heart & Cardiovascular Anti-Aging.

Healthy cardiovascular functioning is essential for maintaining a high quality of life, self-sufficiency, and longevity. The aging of the cardiovascular system is one of the most common diseases in modern society, with many factors contributing to cardiovascular decline, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems. 


Vascular Strength™  is a powerful dietary cardiovascular supplement, which supports healthy cardiovascular functioning, and targets critical risk factors involved in  cardiovascular aging and associated disease development. Research indicates that the ingredients in Vascular Strength™ may support the health of the following cardiovascular areas:  


HDL facilitates the remove of cholesterol from the arteries and helps prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Paraoxonase-1, is an important enzyme which is closely associated with the functioning of HDL. Even with low levels of LDL, there is a significantly increased risk of heart disease when HDL levels are inadequate.

C-Reactive Protein is a an important indicator of the amount of inflammation occurring in the cardiovascular system. Recent research now indicates that inflammation is a major factor in the formation and progression of coronary plaques.Inflammation is also a known factor in reducing levels of HDL.

Dysfunction of the endothelium affects the ability of the artery to relax and dilate. The inability of the endothelium to function contributes to atherosclerosis development.

Elevated levels of LDL, triglycerides and glucose contribute to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, including damage to the arteries.

The heart and myocardial cells are continuously exposed to many potentially damaging effects from oxidative stress, inflammation and other environmental factors.

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